Let LOVE Bring Us Together


  This may sound strange, or even a bit callous, but as devastating as this coronavirus outbreak may become, I see it as an opportunity. A unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the human race to find common ground on a global scale.

...please scroll down to read more about my take on the coronavirus opportunity and to get a description of the guided meditation.
...simply click on the video to the left to take part in my 9-minute guided Love Meditation.

Blessings and Love to ALL!

A Common Threat to Unite Us in Love


      I believe it was Aristotle who said, “A common danger unites even the bitterest enemies.

    Well, now we have that common danger. We have a foe that threatens all of humanity worldwide, regardless of nationality, race, creed, color, or socioeconomic status. And it threatens us at our basest level – the level of survival.

    Now, what’s the first thing that happens inside each of us when we feel our life, or the life of a loved one, is being threatened? Fear happens of course. We reactively move into a space of self-preservation.  We formulate a plan to protect ourselves and those closest to us and we act upon our plan. We descend on supermarkets and drug stores, stocking up on food and protective paraphernalia. We isolate ourselves from others and hunker in to weather the storm. All totally natural, expected and reasonable responses.

    However, I believe that at every moment along the timeline of our preparations we have a choice. We can choose to allow our fear to continue to pull our energy inward, to contract our hearts, to create more and more separation from others; or we can choose to open our hearts and our awareness to the fact that there is no “me and mine” versus “them” in this situation. There is only “us” – all of us, humans. We can choose to truly understand and embrace the fact that we are all in this together, every single soul on this planet.

    And it is in this understanding that I believe our opportunity exists – the opportunity to come together in Love. The opportunity to expand our circle of Love and compassion to all of humanity, seeing everyone on the planet as equally deserving of our Love.

    If we can do this, if we can seize this opportunity to step out of fear, out of the multitude of judgements we hold against our brothers and sisters around the world that create separation, and instead open our hearts to ALL, we might just be able to create a quantum shift on our planet during this challenging time – a shift towards Love and away from fear.

    So, what does this look like, what can we do to move into this space of Love for all?

    While there are many things we can do, what I would like to do is approach this from an energetic perspective. This is the perspective from which I believe we cannot only create a new level of global cohesiveness, but also possibly eradicate the coronavirus. Strong words I know. But hey, ‘go big or go home’ I always say. And, interestingly, there is substantial scientific precedent demonstrating significant effects of group intention / prayer / mediation / Love on physical outcomes in the world. (As I develop this website, I will be compiling a list of links and references documenting the research done in this field…so stay tuned)

    But for now, let’s just dive in and see if we can’t create a demonstration of our own. Toward this end I would like to invite you to join me in a Love Meditation Experiment. It’s a simple experiment. All you have to do is carve out 10 minutes of your day to sit quietly and let me take you through a guided meditation. This mediation will help you connect to your heart, then use the power of your Love to connect to all your brothers and sisters around the globe, concluding in a powerful visualization of the eradication of the coronavirus from the planet.

    I am setting this up as a “rolling meditation” that will take place 2 times per day, in each individual time zone around the world at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. So, no matter where you are in the world, I would ask that you sit promptly at either 7 a.m. or 7 p.m. (or both 😊) your local time to take part in this Love Mediation. This will create a rolling wave of Love that will sweep around the planet 24/7. If we can generate enough involvement in this rolling Love Meditation, I believe it has the potential to be game changing. It is well known that there is great power in group intention. For example, studies on the “Maharishi Effect” have shown that if just 1% of a given population meditates at the same time on a specific issue, significant changes in that issue take place.

    And…if these times don’t work for you to join the group meditation, PLEASE feel free to do the meditation at ANY time during the day.  No matter when you do it both you and the planet will reap the benefits.

    So, without further ado, feel free to click on the video link above and get your Love on!

With great Love and Blessings,


April 4,2020


Hola Love Growers,

I hope this email finds you all Happy, Healthy and avoiding what I like to call ‘SCS’ (Stir Crazy Syndrome).  We are managing to stay semi-sane and busy here.  And…making new discoveries, like the fact that I can actually get by using just 4 squares of toilet paper for each sitting versus my usual 20. 😊

On the Love front, I found a great video I think you will enjoy.  It is an interview with Lynne McTaggart (author of The Fieldand other books) where she explains the research she has done documenting the effects of group intention.  I was working on a write up of my own explaining the scientific support behind sending intentional Love, but then I found Lynne’s video.  She does an excellent job of summarizing her findings and of other research in the field.  Because I’m a science guy, this kind of ‘feet-on-the-ground’, well controlled demonstration of the power of intention really helps me buy into the fact that our Loving focus can truly make an impact.  
If you’re interested you can check out the video here https://youtu.be/wbb97bDkD7o

TIP:  The video is partially being used to plug a program with Lynne and other experts in human potential.  So, if you’d like to avoid the plug info, all the good stuff is between minutes 1 and 37.  

Rock on in Love,